Mothers, Muses and More - Sonya Prior

Mothers, Muses and More - Sonya Prior

A conversation on motherhood with Sonya Prior (or The BB Namer) - mother, name consultant and writer based in Auckland. You can read her thoughts and musings here.


Do you feel comfortable with the identity of mother? Was the transition to motherhood difficult? In what ways?

I am now, as I near three years of being a mother but I definitely didn't feel comfortable to begin with. I love my children and I adore my family but being a mum is both a wonder and a horror with its own force of gravity that can sometimes knock you out. That's how pregnancy and coming to grips with becoming a mum often felt. That’s how pregnancy and the process of becoming a mum often felt for me. Yet, being with my children—being their mum—has always felt inexplicably natural in a way I am eternally grateful for.


Do you think and read about parenting or do you just do it?


I thought about parenting a lot, but I often found myself overwhelmed by all the advice and information out there. In the end, I became more of a "let’s see how it goes and figure it out as we do" kind of parent. I’m incredibly lucky to have a fierce group of mothers in my corner—women I can turn to any time, day or night. We met in an antenatal class back in 2022, and we’ve stayed connected ever since, talking every single day. 


Do you manage to fit in self care? How and when?
Self care right now is reading which I will squeeze in wherever I can, even when I'm brushing my teeth.  



Do you have any parenting cheats/hacks?
1. No one knows your baby better than you (and your partner) do.
2. Everyone parents differently. Don't try to make the way you do things the only way to do it. Give one another space to find your own rhythm with your child
3. Lean on your family and friends whenever you need to, it isn't weak, it isn't a failing and they will want to be there for you - let them.


What has been the most challenging parenting/pregnancy/birth phase for you?

It feels surreal to say that birth was the least challenging part because, without a doubt, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done—both times, in completely different ways. But it’s so fleeting compared to everything that follows. Parenting has been the real challenge. There’s so much guilt tied to it. We’re all trying to be the best parent, partner, daughter, sister, friend, and colleague, but it often feels like there’s too much to do and not enough of ourselves to give. Balancing it all—especially on minimal sleep and a lifelong aversion to coffee—makes parenting the hardest act of all. 



Do you have help from family? What type of help?

A lot and I am eternally grateful to my parents and parents in-laws. My mum looks after my kids once a week while I work and they love having sleepovers at their grandparents which is a treat for everyone.



How have your friendships changed if at all?

I was the first in my close friend group to have a baby, and having just moved back home from London, I found myself overpromising and under delivering as a friend. During my first pregnancy, I felt so lost in it all that I said yes to a lot of things, desperately trying not to lose myself. The second time around, I realised I wasn’t losing myself or my friendships—things were simply evolving naturally. I do my best to be more present and intentional with my friends. Making the time we spend together really count and showing up for them whenever I can. I adore my friends and feel incredibly lucky to watch them build relationships with my children—it makes me love them even more. A few of them have also become parents since and that's another gift in itself, meeting my friends as mums and dads. It's pretty magical.




How has your relationship to your body changed?

It might sound cliché, but I’ve never felt more comfortable in my body than when I was pregnant. Postpartum has its challenges, but I’ve learned to be much kinder to myself than I ever was before. Growing up, I struggled with an eating disorder for over a decade, which made my relationship with my body incredibly complicated. I still have difficult moments—those thoughts creep in from time to time—but I don’t let them take control anymore. Having a daughter has made me more intentional about appreciating myself and setting a positive example for her. 



Images by Sonya of her son Wynn wearing our Penny Sage x SHRUNK Moss Denim Trouser.


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